

Create and publish page-flipping eBooks from PDF.

    How to add a password

    1. To add a password to your publcation you first need to go into Settings

    2. Under the "Advanced" tab you will see "Password Protection". By default it is turned off, but if you want to add a password simply check it off and enter any password you like.

    Note: Make sure you provide the viewer with the password or else they will not be able to access and view your publication you worked so hard on.



    FlipMall is a web service to create digital publication from PDF. Just go to www.FlipMall.net and upload your PDF document. Your digital publication will be generated automatically. More Info

    FlipCreator Standard

    FlipCreator Standard is a windosw software to create digital publication from PDF documents and image files. Standard version includes standard features. View feature list...

    FlipCreator Professional

    FlipCreator Professional is a windosw software to create digital publication from PDF documents and image files. Professional version combines standard and advanced features. View feature list...

    FlipCreator Enterpise

    FlipCreator Enterprise a windosw software to create digital publication from PDF documents and image files. Enterprise version includes the features of professional version with 5 installations. View feature list...